Personalized tour plan, where every moment is tailor made

Tokyo downtown walk with a professional guide 英語通訳案内士と歩く東京

- Ideal timing to wander around Tokyo with some space around you! 訪日客のいない今がチャンス! -

  • Limited offer under severe immigration control! 訪日客のいない今だけの企画!
  • Special discount!特別価格!
  • National Certified Guide Guaranteed!プロで活躍する全国通訳案内士がいつもガイドしているようにご案内します!
  • Recommended for a group or a family to familiarize themselves with English in this beautiful season. 季節のいい今、英語の勉強に、ご家族、お友達とぜひご利用ください!

From ¥13,000

( Per group グループ料金 ( up to 5 people. 5名まで) )

Let’s take advantage of staying in Tokyo. Have you seen inbound travelers go sightseeing with a guide? Have you wondered what they are talking about? Here is your chance to check it out by yourself.

Model Schedule Sample
[ Visiting Yanaka ]
9:00 Meet at Asakusa
10:30 Travel to Ueno
11:00 Walk from Ueno Park to Ueno Sakuragi
11:30 Short break in Sakuragi Atari
12:00 Visit the last Shogun' s grave yard, Yanaka Ginza
13:00 Finish the tour at Sendagi Metro Station
*Transportation fee and admission fee may differ depending on where to visit.

Covid-19 Measures
The guide will wear a mask at all times. We request guests do the same.
We will avoid the 3Cs (closed places, crowded places and close-contact settings), and stay Covid-19 safe.
Meeting Location
Kaminarimon, Asakusa 浅草雷門
Duration and Start time
4 hours 4時間
End Location
Discuss on the day. 当日相談の上決定
Everyday, please ask for details. 毎日、詳細はお問合せください。
Need to able to go up and down stairs, and to use public transportations
What's included
Tax, transportation fee and entrance fee for the guide 消費税込み、ガイドの交通費、入場料含む
What's extra
Transportation fee and entrance fee for travelers. No food or drink included. お客様の交通費、入場料などは含んでいません。食事、飲み物も含みません。
1 Day before or no show: 100%
2 Days~4 Days before: 50%
5 Days~7 Days before: 10%
8 Days or more: No charge.
( 1日前、当日:100%
 8日以上前:チャージなし )
Tour code
# TW1J